EVENT FULL! Thank you for your interest in this offering. We are planning our next event for February or March 2020. Best wishes ~ Amy
Special event with Ashera Serfaty of Luminosity Healing Arts
Join us for an inspiring evening of ceremony to accelerate your healing and intentions. As we move toward the solstice, the opportunity to release the old and bring in the new is exponential. In ancient cultures, solstice was celebrated as a time for spiritual renewal and rebirth, by going inward to activate the light within. The pineal gland is active during solstice because of the electromagnetic energies of the earth with creates a gateway for transformation. The solstice alignment brings new cosmic frequencies, expanding our consciousness which is decoded by our pineal so we can ‘see’ and welcome the new. This is a potent time to connect with yourself and spirit.
The Munay-ki are light love energy transmissions and initiations from Andean Q’ero medicine lineage in Peru. These transmissions carry energetic codes that can transform and upgrade your luminous energy field and DNA. Ashera will transmit the rites to each individual during the sound healing journey that Amy will facilitate. The healing vibration of sound will amplify the power of the Munay-ki transmissions and help anchor them within your being. The nine Munay-ki Rites are broken down into three categories: Foundation Rites, Lineage Rites, and Rites to Come. You will receive one or two of the rites in this ceremony. Read more about Munay-ki here. (http://luminosityhealingarts.com/ceremonies)
Through the Solar Clearing and Activation, we will burn away old energies in our energetic fields, and we bring in and illuminate the chakras with the solar fire light. Through a Shamanic journey and meditation to the central sun portal we bring the light to our deepest intentions and renew with the growing new light.
Solar Fire Cleansing & Activation
Sound Healing Journey
Munay-ki Rite Transmissions
Energy Healing & Meditation
Early Bird pricing through December 13th, $55
After December 13th, $65