photo by Krista Rossow Photography
Photo by Krista Rossow
What is Sound Healing?
Sound healing is the conscious application of sound and vibration to the bodies: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Everything is in a state of vibration, and if you think of the way that water ripples from a drop of water, waves crashing or a child splashing, then you can start to picture how vibration affects water. As our bodies are over 80% water, we can be greatly affected by vibrations and vibrational healing. Applying frequencies consciously, with the intention of healing, allows one to relax and receive the benefit of this multi-dimensional therapy. Sound affects us deeply, in both subtle and profound ways.
Frequency + Intention = Healing
What is Reiki?
Reiki energy is a relaxing, therapeutic frequency that was originally brought into use by Dr. Mikao Usui, of Japan. I have been blessed to receive the Reiki energy frequency through my own healing work for the past 14 years. I felt a deep calling to receive the Reiki attunements and received those in 2017 from Susan Tate of Eugene Energy Medicine. Reiki is calming, restorative, and deeply relaxing. The basis of Reiki is "Do no harm" therefore the energy itself is only available for use for the highest good. The addition of Reiki to my practice has been a wonderful technique to add to my tool belt. I work with the energy both using my hands on and off the body, as well as in the subtle fields around the physical body. All hands-on work is respectful, and I am sensitive to the needs of the client.
What is Crystal and Gemstone Therapy?
My first experiences in the healing realms were with crystals and gemstones. I have had many of the stones that I work with today since I was a young girl. I have always been drawn to stones and crystals, and now I work with them in my energy healing practice. They hold powerful crystalline structures, frequencies and vibrations that work well with our physical and subtle bodies. At times I place stones on the body, use them for focused, directed healing application, apply them in the form of gem elixirs or sprays, and arrange stone layouts and grids for maximum benefit. My connection to these elements goes beyond space or time.
Photo by Krista Rossow
What is NeuroMeditation?
NeuroMeditation is a brain-based approach to meditation developed by Dr. Jeffrey Tarrant, Ph.D., BCN of the NeuroMeditation Institute. NeuroMeditation incorporates brain science and mental health, customizing meditation instruction to target the client’s needs and goals. You can change the way you think and feel, and you can rewire your brain. By recognizing that you are an individual with unique strengths and areas for growth, the aim is to support you in learning meditation to move towards your personal goals. Whether you hope to enhance your relationships, work performance, and quality of life, or improve symptoms of mental health concerns such as trauma, anxiety, depression, or ADHD, NeuroMeditation can help.
Take the NeuroMeditation Quiz to find out what style fits you best!
What is Germanische Heilkunde? Translates to Germanic Healing Knowlege (GHk)/Germanic New Medicine (GNM)
GHk/GNM is a natural science discovered and developed by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, and encompasses his medical findings from his career as a physician. Dr. Hamer discovered five biological laws that explain the cause of "disease," how they develop and how they heal naturally. This innate wisdom applies to all living beings. It is a new health paradigm that can help us view sickness, disease, cancer, symptoms, and everything related to the health and proper function of the human body with a fresh perspective. GHk/GNM explains the correlation of the psyche, brain, and organs, and how all three are inextricably connected when it comes to symptoms experienced in the physical body. It is a fascinating exploration into health and wellness, and I am striving to embody this knowledge so that I may share it with my clients, family, and friends to positively impact the health and wellbeing of everyone in my sphere. Bring an open mind!
"The Therapy is in the Knowledge." - Dr. Hamer