I L L U M I N A T E Gem Elixir Clearing Spray - 2 oz.


I L L U M I N A T E Gem Elixir Clearing Spray - 2 oz.


My goal with creating this blend is to bring more light to your life! In whatever way you are calling forth, this blend will add a quality of light, lightness or illumination. When I’ve had a rough interaction with someone, or I’m feeling down about myself, a quick spritz of I ILLUMINATE can help me lighten up!

Wondering how/when to use it? Apply prior to meditation, creative endeavors, journaling, or insightful activities. Are you pondering the resolution to a current challenge, use ILLUMINATE to shine light on a solution that is for the highest good for all involved. Feeling down or blue, spray your field for immediate elevation and an uplift to your mood. It is refreshing and enlightening any time of day. If sensing dark energy around you or in your space, use it as a clearing spray to help remove negative energy and call in the light.

Gem elixir clearing sprays are bathed in the healing tones of crystal singing bowls, Koshi chimes and other beautiful instruments, and activated with intentions for the highest healing of the user.

To help us I L L U M I N A T E!

Please note that 10% of the purchase price is donated to local organizations supporting homeless children. Thank you for making a difference!

I L L U M I N A T E gem elixir clearing spray includes the following selected beneficial allies:

Shungite :: illuminates the light body; amplifies light within the auric field; protective stone; EMF neutralizer; assists in cleansing & purifying the energy of the body; infuses spiritual light into the subtle bodies; known as a stone of truth; dispels negativity & self-defeating habitual patterns

Amber :: like adding sunlight to the subtle bodies; enhances inner glow; activates 3rd chakra and radiance from within; empowers one to embody personal power and self-confidence; cultivates strength and willpower; ancient resin revered for thousands of years; connected to the sun in mythical stories; warming & nurturing qualities; activates life force; purifies emotional, energetic & physical bodies, & the aura; transforms negative or stagnant energies into clear, usable frequencies; protective stone; excellent source of Light energy

Apophyllite Pyramid :: powerful energizer; enhances spiritual vision; opens third eye; brings light & energy into the heart

Frankincense :: highly revered spiritual oil; high vibration oil; calms & grounds the nervous system; aids in communication with the Divine; deepens meditation & prayer

Hawaiian Sandalwood :: ideal aid to meditation, spiritual contemplation, and prayer; aids in quieting the mental chatter of the mind, allowing the ego/identity/personality to remain in the background and spaciousness arise in the foreground; encourages stability; links the base chakra to the crown; encourages being present; reconnects us to our primordial state of being

Copaiba :: excellent oil for grounding & stabilizing energetic field; immune & nervous system support; supports the skin; directly affects the 1st, 2nd & 3rd chakras; invokes balancing, expansive, protective, purifying, & uplifting qualities; quiets the mind; enhances meditation & introspection

Helichrysum :: light-filled vibratory signature; creates a nurturing environment that promotes inner calm; instills deep peace and tranquility; provides support in releasing emotional trauma; helps us reconnect with the spiritual realm; opens the heart and mind to new experiences and practices; activates intuition; enhances creativity & meditation; very high spiritual frequency, and is known to cut through deep psychological barriers to aid in accessing higher spiritual states and dimensions

Roman Chamomile :: calms feelings that defeat the sense of self: such as self-loathing, self-sabotage, self-judgment, etc.


  • For external use only

  • Shake well to activate product prior to use

  • Speak and/or feel your intentions prior or during use!

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