How do I prepare for sound healing?

After my last sound meditation, held at Eugene Yoga, it was suggested to me that I provide some info on how to prepare for sound healing. So, I will briefly cover this topic in today's blog post. There are two aspects to consider for your preparations: logistics and energetics. 

Logistics: Please dress comfortably, and bring an extra layer if you run a little on the cool side. For group work, bring a yoga mat (if you prefer your own), a pillow or bolster, eye pad for complete darkness and a blanket. Basically anything you need or wish to have to make lying down for an hour completely relaxing for you. Events at yoga studios have mats, bolsters, blankets and a few eye pads available. Please arrive a few minutes early to get settled prior to the start time. Cell phones should be turned off or placed in airplane mode, so the frequencies of these devices do not interfere with the healing frequencies, vibrations and tones.

Energetics: To enhance your experience, you may wish to set a personal intention prior to the session. In individual sessions, you are welcome to share your intention for our time together, but it is not necessary. If the intention is shared, then we can both focus our energy towards it. Often times, even when the intention is not shared verbally, I intuitively feel the client's intention. I suggest being mindful of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies ~ this deep and profound work often begins before the session and continues afterward. 

My intention is for healing and transformation to occur, while holding a loving, compassionate and nurturing space. I am available for additional support after our sessions to further discuss your experience ~ please do not hesitate to reach out to share about your healing journey.